
We are all vulnerable

I feel like I really want to write something in english recently, due to I read too many stuff in english or maybe I just want to practice my writing skills. So as a lame english article writer, I hope one day when my english level takes a giant leap,  then I look back to what I write before, which must be something interesting to me. Also, my eventual life goal is to be an international journalist or TV hoster. My mania of learning-english seems never stops. :)

Recently, I kept watching TED speeches. (http://www.ted.com/), and I was fascinated by this video and this academic woman:
Before I watched this video, I believed that we could separate people into tough ones and the others more vulnerable. After I watched this, I restart to think about it. You know what, we actually are all vulnerable. As she mentioned, when we are born, and our parents hold us, those little babies, they are not gonna say we are perfect, but instead, we are hard-wired to struggle from  griefs, disappointed, exclude by the people we thought we might be connected with, obese, shame, the painful growing-up thing, break-up, etc. However, the vulnerability is also the birthplace of joy, happiness, belongings, when we are brave enough to admit that e all imperfect.

