
What doesnt kill you

You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in colour
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I'd come running back
Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Put that thing on lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
You heard that I was starting over with someone new
But told you I was moving on over you
You didn't think that I'd come back
I'd come back swinging
You try to break me
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I'm not a broken hearted
Thanks to you I'm finally thinking bout me
You know in the end the day to left was just my beginning



Relationship-----this is the last one

I've gone to SS for one month. It's really fun to make cyber friends there. My favorite part is that all your cyber friends will get to know you, get to know your real personality by those posts and replies, without meeting you firstly. They are just gonna know my personality, read through my thoughts, understand my senses of humor without judging me by my appearance. In reture,  I become a kind of hacker, try to "hack" into their lifes, try to understand the culture differences by their posts and discussions. They are lovely and interesting, I wish I can meet up those cyber friends one day in Shanghai, I believe I will fit quite well in some circles. And I appreciate their different personalities. I am really expecting of that!!! :)

However, SS is not a dating site, but too many topics are around relaionship. Err...gosh! I feel some kind of dizzy:
"one more fucking love song, I will be dead!"---China Doll (one of my cyber friends, love her style, she is really cool),
Ahh, hahaha...I wanna say one more fucking relationship disscusion, I will be dead, so I promise this is last one in my blog.

Its funny for me some foreigners told me Chinese girls are undateable, here are some reasons for that:
1. they always expect get married after a serious relationship,
2. yes, chinese girls are cute, lovely, careing, soft and gentle, but they are not intellectually amused.
3. Chinese girls dont care about sex.

Woo...you know, foreigners are also some kinda of undateable to me, here are my reasons:
1. they can not speak chinese quite well, although I can speak english fluently, but how could I let him join in my chinese friends circle, if he can not speak chinese?
2. they dont know too much about chinese culture, chinese history
3. its okay for my chinese boyfriends to eat at canteen, but many, many westerners like go to fancy resturants, I would like to split up the cost on every date, but i can not afford each date on a fancy resturant.
4. I dont like westerners feel superior about their own culture or something. If they can only accept open-mined people, then they are truly narrow-mined. People have rights to choose what kind of life style they want to live on, traditional or open, it doesnt matter at all. It matters whether they live in a happy way or not. Actually it's gonna offend a lot chinese people, I also have some traditional chinese friends, and I love and respect them.

Regarding of sex, its a complicated topic. For my own experiences, only people have enough sex experiences, they can feel relaxed to talk about sex in public. It is not like something on the text book, or a theoretic thing, that everybody will feel relaxed to talk about that. People dont have sex experiences or not too many sex experiences, they usually dont feel comfortable to talk about sex. I only agree with one thing, that is: women have rights to enjoy sex life just the same as men. Virgin issue is totally bullshit, if a guy tell me that he want a virgin, i will despise him from the bottom of my heart, and feel totally offended. Nevertheless I don't appreciate that many westerners are whining about chinese women are not sex open enough. They are complaining  about it takes so long to have sex on dates. (10 dates, 15 dates, or even longer). I respect those women who think sex should happen on the feeling of love. I agree and disagree with them, but I respect their choices. Yes, regular sex experiences can make life more health according to bioscience. But if the man can not touch the woman's heart he dates, or the woman doesnt feel in love with him, the man just look like a dildo attached to a heartbeat. Why should the woman have sex with the man? Not insteand the woman using a dildo to make herself pleasure or get herself an orgasm? (according the science reports, women are easier to get orgasm by other activities than intercourse)

Every good relationship should start from friendship. Try to advoid dating a stranger. My suggestion to girls is that if you come across an asshole unluckily, just kick him ass without doubts.

Cheating is not forgivable, even a kiss. 

Split up on dates, or its prositution.

Love hurts only because the man you love doesnt deserve your affection to him. I really want to give this sentence to chinese girls, because I feel it is true that compare to chinese girls, western girls are more independent both emotionaly and physically. You just need to be yourself, focus on being yourself, dont need to impress him. If you are good enough, there are always guys waiting in the line.

What's more, I also find out in China, we commonly dont do "friends with benefits". I know in western countries, friends with benefits often happen. I dont want to judge. Well, there is always, always a exception happened there. I dont do "friends with benefits" either, especially on purpose, but I wont reject a passioned kiss happened on a unique and special moment.

So much for this...


The letter to Juliet

I watched the movie "The letter to Juliet" twice. The story comes from a young lady used to fall in love with a young man in the grapery in Ltaly, but the beautiful blond lady needed to go back to London to finish her school, taked apart in her exams, her parents didnt approve her being together with the young man. She getted scared, she planed to run away with that young man. But she escaped, and she wrote a letter to Juliet to seek for suggestions whether she should follow her heart to be with that young man. No answers...untill 50 years later, a girl named Sophie replied the letter, and the old blond lady decided to find the man she used to fall in love with. Here is the reply of the letter to Juliet:

"What' and 'if' two words as non-threatening
as words can be. But put
them together side-by-side and they
have the power to haunt you for the
rest of your life: 'What if? what if? what if?

"I don't know how your story ended.
But I know that if what you felt
then was true love then
it's never too late. If it was true
then it why wouldn't it be true
now? You need only the courage to
follow your heart..."

"I don't know what a love like that
feels like...a love to leave loved
ones for, a love to cross oceans
for...but I'd like to believe if I
ever felt it. I'd have the courage
to seize it, Claire. And if
you didn't, I hope one day that you

We always wait for the right person come out in our lifes.
Sometimes, the tragedy happens when its not the right time, not right place...
but we meet the right person and fall in deeply love...
True love never dies or vanish
No matter how many years have been passed by...
Even the more despairing thing is that,
I can not make you be my wife,
However I will still love you,
True love never dies... 


Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane

Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.
hope is a good thing maybe the best of things. and no good thing ever dies
                                                                   ------The Shawshank Redemption
现实给了梦想多少时间, 梦想却又给了现实多少空间






We are all vulnerable

I feel like I really want to write something in english recently, due to I read too many stuff in english or maybe I just want to practice my writing skills. So as a lame english article writer, I hope one day when my english level takes a giant leap,  then I look back to what I write before, which must be something interesting to me. Also, my eventual life goal is to be an international journalist or TV hoster. My mania of learning-english seems never stops. :)

Recently, I kept watching TED speeches. (http://www.ted.com/), and I was fascinated by this video and this academic woman:
Before I watched this video, I believed that we could separate people into tough ones and the others more vulnerable. After I watched this, I restart to think about it. You know what, we actually are all vulnerable. As she mentioned, when we are born, and our parents hold us, those little babies, they are not gonna say we are perfect, but instead, we are hard-wired to struggle from  griefs, disappointed, exclude by the people we thought we might be connected with, obese, shame, the painful growing-up thing, break-up, etc. However, the vulnerability is also the birthplace of joy, happiness, belongings, when we are brave enough to admit that e all imperfect.


Panda, Tiger, owl and peacock

We went to KTV tonight, spent 3 hours singing songs, screaming, yelling and letting off stresses. My boss got a really good voice, and his english is pretty perfect, i like him to sing the english song " better man". I was almost yelling out the song " I gotta a feeling", dancing crazily by the rhythm. I missed the bar, next activity of firm definity should be in the bar, for my sake.

Before we went to KTV, my boss treated us a dinner, the bullfrogs in that resturant was really awesome. We were talking about 4 kinds of animals: tiger, panda, owl and peacock. There are 4 types of staffs in the firm, No1: the tiger, instead of listening to others' advices, most of time, they only believe themselves, and they are ego and decisive, silent.(nomally they have a very introverted personality)
No2: the panda, they are usually very kind, and wish the firm to be as united as possible. (Usually they are very easy-going and talkative.)
No3: the owl, staffs belong to this type are usually very resonable, like to think and analyse.(Usually they are silent and shy)
No4: the peacock, they like to show themselves up in front of people, try to raise others' attentions. (Usually they are very talktive and outgoing)

I belong to the people who are between the panda and the peacock, more intersting thing is that different from foreigners, chinese are more belong to the panda and owl...


english blog, really cool, keep writing

I always want to knock the keyboard to write down something. I changed the "place" to blog my dairies for many, many times, but all in chinese, sometimes mixed with little english. Some Chinese  people like to say everything mixed with some simple/ common english, so do I. However that's because english is a very simple language. I truely believe that Some Chinese sentences or phrases can not be decribed totally by the english words, but i will try to challenge it by decribing everything in english, hopefully i will success.